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C o n c e r t  s   a n d   p e r f o r m a n c e s


July 6th, 13:00H — Santiago de Compostela Conservatory of Music

during the Tubas and Euphoniums National Congress AETYB.



June 28th, 18:00H — Barakaldo Conservatory of Music during the Music Bands Encounter.



May 26th, 11:30H — RCSMM, Manuel de Falla auditorium (Madrid)


"AMETS GOZO" performed by Bilbao Kamerata:

• Novembre 10th, 2023 — 19:30H San Pedro Church (Deusto)

• December 18th, 2023 — 20:15H San Francisquito Parish (Santutxu)

Free admission until full capacity.

• Coro Club Deportivo Bilbao.


23 de marzo, 2024 — 18:00H


The Himalayas Suite, Jazzphony, Brass Rhapsody, Carajillo,

Fireworks & Pyrotechnics (world premiere), Urumea (world premiere)

and Come and See! (world premiere).

Banda de Hernani under the baton of the composer himself as guest conductor.

Plaza de Atsegindegi (Hernani)

Free admission until full capacity.


Premiere of "BASQUE FANTASY"

Commissioned work for solo harp.

• August 2nd, 2023 — 20:00H, Bermeo (Vizcaya)

Free admission until full capacity.


Re-release of "CARAJILLO" (pasodoble)

• July 30th, 2023 — 20:00H, Bugarra (Valencia)

• August 6th, 2023 — 21:00H, Alfaro (La Rioja)

Banda de Pedralba under the baton of Luis Manuel Gimeno.

Free admission until full capacity.


May 28th, 2023 — 19:00H

Premiere of "LA VISITANTE" (micro opera)

Auditorium of the Museo Nacional del Prado.

Tickets at the box office or on the website.


Re-release of  "BRASS RHAPSODY"

• April 18th, 2023 — 19:30H. CIM Auditorium, Mislata.

• April 21st, 2023 — 19:30H. Guadasuar.

• May 7th, 2023 — 19:30H. Chirivella.

Brass Band ESMAR, soloist Rubén Marqués. Entrance 5€.


April 28th, 2023 — 18:30H

"THE HIMALAYAS SUITE" (Arrangement for Symphonic Band)

Conservatorio Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga auditorium.

Municipal Band of Bilbao conducted by José Rafael Pascual-Vilaplana.

Free admission until full capacity.


"AMETS GOZO" performed by Bilbao Kamerata:

• December 1st, 2022 — 19:30H

Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción (Avd. Sabino Arana 42, Basurto)

• December 11th, 2022 — 13:45H

San Francisquito Church (Santutxu)

• December 17th, 2022 — 19:30H

Nuestra Señora del Carmen Church (C/ Simón Bolívar 4, Indautxu)

• February 7th, 2023 — 20:00H

Basílica Nuestra Señora de Begoña (Bilbao)

XLIX Choral Week of Vizcaya

Free admission until full capacity.


February 16th, 2023 — 20:00H
Premiere of  "BRASS RHAPSODY"

Musikene auditorium (San Sebastián)

Free admission until full capacity.


February 25th, 2023 — 19:00H

Premiere of "LUCES DEL AÑO"

Work awarded the FIRST PRIZE in the XXVI Composition for Choirs

Contest BAE - BBK Grand Prize in the Centro Cívico Clara Campoamor

Free admission with invitation until full capacity.


April 28th, 2023 — 18:30H
Premiere of  "THE HIMALAYAS SUITE" (arrangement for Symphonic Band)

Conservatorio Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga's Auditorium.

Banda Municipal de Bilbao under the baton of José Rafael Pascual-Vilaplana.

Free admission until full capacity.


May 5th, 2022 — 17:00H
Premiere of  "BRASS QUINTET"

Room 003 of the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid.

Free admission until full capacity.


April 30th, 2022 — 19:00H

Work awarded the Third Prize in the XXIV Composition for Choirs

Contest BAECentro Cívico Clara Campoamor

Free admission until full capacity.



- November 22nd, 2019 — 20:00H

San Vicente parish (Sodupe)

- December 27th, 2019 — 19:00H

San Bartolomé parish (Alonsotegi)

- December 28th, 2019 — 20:00H

Santos Juanes parish (Old Town of Bilbao)
Concert of the Capilla de Música de la Catedral de Bilbao.

Premier of "AMETS GOZO", lullaby for Mixed Choir SATB and Chamber Orquestra. 

Free admission until full capacity.


December 22nd, 2018 - 19:00H.

Premiere of "JAZZPHONY" for Alto Saxophone Soloist and Wind Band

Concert with the Leioa's Band (Leioako Musika Banda/LMB)

Kultur Leioa, auditorium. Tickets 5€ in BBK and


January 27th, 2019 - 12:00H.

Concert with the Bilbao's Municipal Band.

Conductor: José Rafael Pascual Vilaplana

Repertoire: Iz (Iturregui), Clouds and Shadows (M. Fayos-Jordán), Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin) and Second Symphony "Views of Edo" (Cesarini).



May 17th, 2018 - 19:00H.

Premiere of the work "THE FOUR ELEMENTS" for Symphony Orchestra and Mixed Choir SATB)

J. C. de Arriaga Bilbao's Conservatory, auditorium. 

Bilbao's Conservatory's Symphony Orchestra (with collaborators) with the Arte Factum and the Rossini Choir. 

Descriptive programatic suite that portrays the four elements in nature: air, fire, water and earth.

Free admission until full capacity.

CORO ROSSINI DE BILBAO: En 1990 el entonces director del Teatro Arriaga, Luis Iturri, decidió formar un coro para las producciones del propio teatro: el Coro Rossini. Desde entonces han trabajado con solistas, orquestas y directores tanto musicales como de escena más importantes del panorama lírico nacional e internacional.

CORO ARTE FACTUM ABESBATZA: El Coro Arte Factum nació en 2009 como actividad de ocio. Pertenece también a la Federación de Coros de Vizcaya (BAE) y con ella participa ocasionalmente en los conciertos de primavera. Realiza también intercambios con otros coros tanto de dentro como fuera del País Vasco.

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Banda Municipal de Bilbao (temporada 2022-23) - The Himalayas Suite.jpg
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Amets Gozo 16-12-2022.jpeg
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CARAJILLO (28-06-2024).jpeg
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